Arbor Teas offers one of the Internet's largest selections of loose leaf organic tea and herbs; two thirds of which are Fair Trade Certified®. Any of our teas and tisanes can be used to make iced tea, but we have hand selected a few

of our organic teas and tisanes that are particularly well suited to iced tea. We offer selections from all varieties of tea (black, green, white, oolong and pu-erh) as well as South African rooibos and herbal infusions that are sure to please.

Top Quality Organic Iced Tea

Any tea devotee knows that not all teas are created equal. Realizing this, we at Arbor Teas perform extensive comparative tasting whenever we consider adding a new tea to our catalog. We select our tea inventory with quality, organic certification and Fair Trade certification in mind. Our delicious flavored organic iced teas use the same top quality tea that we offer in our unflavored varieties and are blended with pieces of real fruit, spices and flowers, and flavored with 100% natural botanical extracts.

Organic Iced Tea Variations

Although some of the best iced tea comes simply from well-brewed, high-quality organic tea leaves, it's often fun to jazz up iced tea with other additions for something new and exciting. Here are a few ideas: combine iced tea and lemonade in equal portions to create an Arnold Palmer, try making caffeine-free iced rooibos and tisanes, impress your friends with an adult friendly MarTEAnis, or create healthy, kid friendly popsicles. Find more tips in our Iced Tea Additions and Variations section.

Preparation Tips for Our Organic Iced Tea

Making iced tea at home is a breeze! We recommend one of two ways to brew our organic iced tea, traditional hot brew or eco-friendly cold brew. We've created step by step guides to illustrate both techniques and suggest trying each to find which you like best. The flavor profile changes slightly depending on the method used. Learn more with our step by step guides on how to make iced tea or cold brew.