Organic Tea

Arbor Teas offers one of the Internet's largest selections of loose leaf organic tea and tisanes – two-thirds of which are Fair Trade Certified®.

We offer selections from all varieties of tea (black, green, white, oolong and pu-erh) as well as South African rooibos, South American yerba mate, US-grown tea and herbs, and herbal blends. Our mission is to find the world’s most fantastic organic teas and deliver them to you as sustainably as possible. From our Carbonfree® business practices to our backyard-compostable packaging, our vision is to remain organic to a tea™.

Top-Quality Organic Tea

Any tea devotee knows that not all teas are created equal. Realizing this, we at Arbor Teas perform extensive comparative tasting whenever we consider adding a tea to our catalog. We select our tea inventory with quality, organic certification and Fair Trade certification in mind. First and foremost, we search for USDA-certified organic teas representing the classic manufacturing styles from around the world. Then we select the best organic variety within each style.

Flavored Organic Tea

Our delicious flavored teas use the same top-quality organic tea that we offer in our unflavored varieties. When blending our teas, our goal is to create a cup that balances the flavors of the tea with the flavors of the additional ingredients so that neither overpowers the other.

Decaf Organic Tea

Arbor Teas uses the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) method for all of our decaffeinated organic tea offerings. We believe this to be the safest form of decaffeination, while retaining the most flavor and health benefits. Tea "technologist" Nigel Melican's research has shown that tea decaffeinated using the CO2 method retains 92 percent of its polyphenols (the healthy stuff!), while tea decaffeinated using the ethyl acetate process only retains 18 percent.